Dedicated to the memory of Bill

This site is a tribute to Bill, who was born in Belfast on July 16, 1942. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Service of Remembrance for Bill

A service of remembrance will be held for Bill at St Columba's Church, 29 King's Rd, Belfast, BT5 6JG at 11 am on Monday 9th September 2024.

Please join us in the church hall afterwards for refreshments and to share memories of Bill. 

The service will be live streamed via the following link below and can be played back later.:

In lieu of flowers we would prefer that, if desired, a donation is made to Parkinson's UK, either through this site or by cheque to Parkinson's UK NI, Wellington Park Business Centre, 3 Wellington Park,, Malone Rd, Belfast, BT9 6DJ.


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8 days ago

A fantastic man. Deepest sympathy to all the family.

£20.00 (+ £5.00 Gift Aid)
9 days ago
Clare, Walter and family

Growing up, I had 2 families…the Doran family, and the Dominoes family. My childhood, teens and adulthood were brighter because of the love, laughter and music which revolved around the band. The parties, fun, holidays and shenanigans. Bill pretending to play harmonica on the electric fire, while dad played piano, Emma played bongos and I drunkenly guldered at one of the many parties in our house, will forever be etched in my memories! Our lives were centred around music, laughter, and friendships which spanned generations and continents. Not many people are lucky enough to grow up with an extended, musical family but we were, and it was joyous. Bill was central and integral to that. His love, compassion, fun, wisdom, musicality and friendship were hugely valued and will be sorely missed. I sang with the band every weekend for years…there was never a disagreement, or a bad word…only fun, laughter, love, loyalty, silly hats and friendship. Bill was a wonderful friend to dad….and to countless others. To me, he was always, and will remain, ‘Uncle Bill’. I know how deeply his passing will be felt by his family, who he absolutely adored, and who in return, adored him tenfold. With love, Clare, Walter and family

£20.00 (+ £5.00 Gift Aid)
10 days ago

A great man

£20.00 (+ £5.00 Gift Aid)


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I feel deeply privileged to have known Bill first as a fellow planner then as a fellow ‘Parkie’ and PD Warrior. As an architect/planner Bill was an inspiration, being both a visionary and a pragmatist. As a Parkie he was the great encourager, the go to person for so many when they were diagnosed. He lived out the mantra ‘I may have Parkinson’s but Parkinson’s hasn’t got me’. It was through Bill’s encouragement that I became the N.Ireland trustee for PUK. Parkinson’s has been described as ‘being trapped in a body over which you are gradually losing control’. Whilst saddened in recent years by the deterioration in his physical condition, the mischievous sparkle in his eye assured us that he was still the same fun loving, self effacing, generous, inspiring person that we knew and loved. He will be sadly missed but fondly remembered.
Kyle Alexander
3rd September 2024
Bill was a one of a kind. Since I met him 7 years ago he has been a pleasure to know and to spend time with. I loved Bills constant enthusiasm to learn. He found the world around him continually interesting and engaged with people in the same way. He rarely volunteered his own views unless pressed but always had well thought through, empathetic and wise ways of seeing the world. He will be missed by the PD warriors and those zoom exercise classes over Covid will always be a highlight- I’ll miss his wild swinging whilst boxing, his weight lifting enthusiasm and his perfect rhythm and musicality during the warm ups! He was a fighter to the end, but did it in such a kind and gracious way. So sadly missed.
3rd September 2024
So sad. Bill was a lovely caring and thoughtful man with a great sense of humour. It was hard not to smile when in his company. I have many wonderful memories from the days of the Dominoes, the Group and Chips. Although it is a couple of years since I last saw him, it is hard to take in I will never see him again. My thoughts are with Lyn and the wider family.
2nd September 2024
In lieu of flowers we would prefer that, if desired, a donation is made to Parkinson's UK, either through this site or by cheque to Parkinson's UK NI, Wellington Park Business Centre, 3 Wellington Park,, Malone Rd, Belfast, BT9 6DJ.
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